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Friday, June 6, 2014


The nature of this fruit as a food is cold and wet. So in summers, this fruit keeps the moisture/ hydration of our body balanced. It is 92% of water. It contains Vitamin B, that provides instant energy. For a warm body, this fruit is highly beneficial. But for a body that is naturally cold in nature, it is better to use watermelon along with some ginger or dates to offset the potential harm and acquire its benefits. 
It is better to eat watermelon before meals. According to some doctors, this cleanse the stomach and relieve many ailments.

  • It works as a cleanser for stomach and intestines. 
  • It departs the stomach even quicker than cucumber and blends with the substances inside. 
  • It helps control the blood pressure.
  • In summers it helps greatly in regularizing blood circulation. 
  • The Beta Carotene in watermelon helps relieve many ailments of eyes and prevents many infections.
  • It balances the hormones in our body and strengthens the immune system. 
  • It helps making bones strong, builds our defense against cancer and balances the sugar level.
  • It helps in releasing the toxic content in our kidneys.

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