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Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Figs are the best source of fiber. It is recommended to chew figs quite well. Its seeds contain oil that is of significant benefit, specially for cure of constipation and piles. It contains Calcium, Manganese, Potassium, Copper, Magnesium, and Vitamin K, being the one and only fruit in the world to be the richest source of vitamins, either fresh or dry. Best quantity in a day is 2-3 pieces of medium size a day. They are hot food in nature, but not hot enough to harm the body. 

  • Best cure for piles and constipation
  • Benefits in ailments like hemorrhoids, gout and low blood pressure
  • Provides instant energy to body (far better than tea), can be used to get rid of tea addiction
  • Increases the plasma anti-oxidant capacity, enabling the blood clotting and blood detoxifying
Remedy for constipation or piles:
Dip 3 pieces of fig in 1 cup water overnight. Drink the water and eat those figs in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. I love dispelling the myth that healthy food can’t be absolutely delicious. There’s something really satiating about eating a dessert that not only tastes scrumptious, but is also full of healthy ingredients. A good ‘Fig-a-licious Vegan Tart’ is free from diary, egg, wheat, gluten, refined sugar and it STILL tastes delectable. Since the blog was about a great fruit and my favourite 'Figs' thought I would throw in my 2 cents for the blogger who took the time out to provide such delectable, tasteful and healthy 'foodipedia' - love it, keep 'em coming!!!
