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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Oats Porridge and Talbinah

How to make Oats Porridge/ Daliya:

For 100 gm of oats you'll take 1 or 1 and a 1/2 litre of water. Mix it and put it in stove. To avoid the porridge from boiling out of the pan, do not close the lid during cooking. After one boil, keep the burner low.
If you are a bit taste conscious, first roast the oats lightly in a pan without any grease. It should be to an extent that you can smell the whiff of roasted oats but do not let its color change. Meanwhile keep the water to boil, beforehand. Add the hot water to roasted grains and then cook as above. (Tip to Remember: Never ever add cold water or cold milk in oats.)
The indication of cooked oats is that when they have completely sucked the water, you'll see bubbles appearing in the porridge.

Recipe for Talbinah
To make this particular dish, you'll follow the above instructions as it is for oats porridge until we reach where we have left above i.e. when it gets completely ready. Add boiled (not cold) milk and cook it for 5 to 7 min. When you see bubbles appearing in it again, it is ready. Add one teaspoon honey in the bowl when it is served.

Above is the original recipe of talbinah, to ensure a whole meal/breakfast through oats, full of nutrients as well as a medicine for sick.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Shruti
    Thank you for the wonderful recipe!! I too am from hyderabad. Could you please lemme know where I can find Talbinah powder.. I also have heard Talbinah powder is Barley powder. I am also looking for Whole Barley here ..n all I can find is the polished pearl barley. If you know where I can get WHOLE barley n Talbinah powder in Hyderabad, please let me know. I very much appreciate your help n time.

