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Saturday, June 28, 2014


To let increase the health benefits of spinach, avoid freezing it. The best way to use it is consume it fresh the very day you buy it. Cooking spinach increase the nutrition three times the raw spinach. Because the nutrients in raw spinach cannot be easily broken down in our body. Oxalic Acid in spinach blocks the iron and calcium from getting absorbed in our bodies. This can be easily countered by using spinach with food high in Vitamin C, or simply boiling the spinach for two minutes will reduce the power of oxalic acid. It is a rich source of Vitamin C, A and K. The Flavonoid and Carotenoid in Spinach acts as anti-oxidant and anti-cancer agent.

  • Helps prevent atherosclerosis i.e. thickening or hardening of arteries
  • Anti-aging vegetable
  • Anti-cancer and anti-oxidant; flush down toxins from colon
  • Due to Vit K, helps in formation of blood substance required for blood clotting
  • Nourishes eyes and build bones
  • Help digestion, eases constipation and protects mucus lining of stomach. Prevents ulcers
  • The vitamins and minerals help relieve dry itchy skin and benefits complexion
  • Helps stabilize blood sugar in diabetics
For Blood Sugar Level
Take several handful of Spinach.
Add 3 cups of water.
Place over low heat for an hour.
Then strain.
Take twice a day.


  1. It reminds me of Popeye !! :P

  2. I agree 100%. Thanks for all.

  3. Most people think green veggies are better raw. Thank you for letting us know that spinach has higher nutritional value when cooked!
