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Monday, June 9, 2014


A Fruit with tremendous benefits that is eaten both fresh and dry- contains minerals, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, Vitamin C, carbohydrates, and many anti-oxidants, that purify our blood.
Its nature is wet and hot. Best quality grape is big in size, and white grape is better than black. It is categorized among the three fruits that are called ''The King of All Fruits''- Grapes, Dates and Figs.
  • It increases the flexibility of heart muscles- preventing the cases where people may need pacemaker to pump their heart on average rate. 
  • Fights against cancer specially prevents breast, liver, lungs and prostrate cancer (not a cure for a cancer patient i repeat, but a protection a prevention against it!)
  • Decreases cholesterol
  • Release toxins from our body
  • Strengthen blood vessels in our body- very effective for hemophiliacs, or those who bleed profusely during menses.
  • Prevents leakage of blood vessels and inflammation of tissues.
  • Helps in controlling liver damage
  • Improves vision weakening by old age
  • Antidote for alcohol
  • Helps against migraine
  • Very beneficial for hairs- brings back their original shine and life due to the fatty acids present in grapes.
  • Decrease the risk of death from high blood pressure- precisely preventing the brain hemorrhage from HBP

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