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Saturday, June 7, 2014


Pomegranate is that valuable fruit that prevents estrogen from increasing in our body. Estrogen is the hormone that causes cancer, especially breast cancer. If your family has a cancer history, you should be using a lot of pomegranate. In prostrate cancer, daily a pomegranate is very helpful; not a cure but helpful indeed in healing! It is advised to eat pomegranate seeds with its white pulp, because it cleanse the stomach. It is very beneficial for skin; freshens it and mitigate the skin marks, facial acne and pimples.  Pomegranate and grapes are specially recommended for skin pigmentation.

Sweet Pomegranates are hot and wet in nature.
  • It is strengthening for stomach because it is a mild constipating agent.
  • It is very good for throat, chest and lungs, and relieves cough.
  • If eaten with wheat bread (roti), it helps relieving any stomach problem.
Sour Pomegranate are cold and dry in nature. They are also mild constipating agents. 
  • It is especially good for overheated stomach.
  • Helps produce more urine than any other type of medicines for such purpose. 
  • It helps the stomach get rid of its excrement.
  • It softens bile, relieves diarrhea and stops the heat producing in liver.
  • It strengthens the body organs, helps against bilious shaking, heart problems and ache of the tip of the stomach.
Pomegranate Juice softens the stomach and serves as a natural nutrient for the body. It digests very easily because of being light, and produces heat and air as it breaks down in the stomach. It increases semen production. It is not favorable for those with fever.
If pomegranate juice is extracted with the thin covering of its seed, and mixed with a little honey and cooked until it becomes like an ointment, and then used as eye drops, it will clear the yellow color of the eye and will dissipate the thick wetness. If it is applied on gingival (gums), it will help against the rashes on gums.

Pomegranate flowers help in healing wounds. It is said if one swallows three pomegranate flowers each year, he or she will be immune from ophthalmia (conjunctivitis) for the year.

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