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Saturday, June 7, 2014


The best quality of raisins is the one with big size, fat in its pulp, with thin skin and small seeds. Raisins in nature are found to be hot and wet in first degree, and their seeds are cold and dry. It is said that their seeds are an ailment while their pulp is the cure.

Raisins are usually similar to the type of grape from which they are made of.  Sweet raisin pulp is more nutritious than grape. Contrary to sweet raisins (hot nature), the sour raisins are cold and mildly constipating. White raisins are even better constipating agent. 

  • Raisin pulp possess maturing qualities and is good for windpipe.
  • Relieves cough, liver and prostrate pain.
  • Boosts the memory power.
  • Benefits in throat, chest, lung, liver and prostrate pain. It is better to throw away the seed while eating in that case.
  • Eating raisins with its seed strengthens the stomach, spleen and liver and soothes the intestinal cavity.
  • Helps release the phlegm, and kills the mouth odor.
  • Rich in Anti oxidants.
  • Balances the sugar level in blood. 
  • Contains various minerals to help strengthen bones and prevent eye diseases.
  • Helps create RBC's
  • Oleanolic acid in raisins help maintain the health of teeth

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