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Friday, June 27, 2014

Cumin Seeds/ Zeera

Cumin Seeds are largely used as spices and in culinary practice in Indian Subcontinent, and other Asian, Latin American and African countries. Even its aroma is enough to activate our salivary glands and aid digestion. Contains Essential Oils, Magnesium, Protein, Iron, Calcium, Vitamin E and C, dietary fiber and sodium content. 

  • Aids in Digestion. Acts as Carminative. Relieves stomachache if taken with hot water.
  • Help treat piles
  • Helps increase metabolism
  • Help relieve wounds and infection in digestive and excretory system
  • Prevents Diabetes
  • Help relieve stress and anxiety (which also leads to insomnia)
  • Acts as expectorant i.e. eliminates phlegm and mucus
  • Helps in respiratory disorders, like asthma, bronchitis, etc.
  • Acts as disinfectant, and fights viral infections, like common cold. 
  • The Vitamin C in cumin acts as antioxidant, and removes toxins from body and strengthen immune system
  • Because of Iron content, it's good for lactating and pregnant mothers, or women undergoing menses. Moreover it help ease and increase milk production in lactating mothers
  • It help build hemoglobin and hence fight anemia
  • Increase cognitive function and help fight cognitive disorders
  • It has antifungal and antibacterial properties; help keep skin healthy and prevents premature aging
  • Regular users of cumin have less chance of boils, pimples, rashes, etc. 
  • Help keep liver clean and kidney strong
  • Decreases cholesterol
  • Have chemopreventive properties; helps fight various kinds of cancer, especially colon cancer
  • Helps in treating renal coli, weak memory, insect bites and stings


  1. Love it - could not have been written better. Need such blogs in an Internet savvy world as today to get the real value on our nutrition needs and requirements to lead an healthy lifestyle. Sterling effort! Keep it up - Shruti.

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