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Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Banana is hot and wet food in nature. The best quality banana is ripe and sweet, with quite black spots over its peel. If it is eaten before meal, it can harm the stomach and aggravate bile and phlegm. This negative effect can be removed by having banana with honey or brown sugar at this particular time.

  • It helps against roughness of chest and lungs
  • It relieves cough
  • Helps against prostrate and kidney ulcers
  • Banana is diuretic (produces urine)
  • It stimulates semen production and arouse sexual desire
  • It softens the stomach

Banana Peel
The more black spots on your banana skin, the healthier it is for you. These black spots over banana peel generate an entity called TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) that carry incredible ability to fight cancer cells. Moreover Banana and its peel contains rich content of Potassium, Magnesium and Manganese, that has amazing ability to whiten your teeth and remove stains from them.
Take off the peel of a ripe banana. Rub the peel from inside section over your teeth gently. Keep going for 2 min. Rinse your mouth. You'll notice the difference instantly. Banana Peel also contains Calcium and Vit D, that will help your teeth be strong. You can also apply peel over your skin to get rid of dark coloring that appears over knuckles and around nails.

1 comment:

  1. In some cultures, banana is eaten after meals. I guess it's good for digestion as well.
