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Tuesday, June 10, 2014


From headache to cancer, for every possible ailment, oats porridge is the best food cum medicine. Oat has high fiber content and that of excellent quality. It decreases cholesterol and heart fats (that cause heart blockages). It has cardio-protective mechanism. Ladies at menopause stage should add oat porridge/ talbina as their meal 6 days a week. It makes this physically and psychologically difficult period so calm and cool that no medicine can provide you with. For those who suffer from acidity or ulcer, oat is a bliss!
36000 ladies in UK were made a part of research about oats. They were given oats and fruits to eat in their diet. It not only provided protection in their bodies against breast cancer, but the patients of breast cancer also recovered.
A point to be noted is always to take oats lukewarm, in order to let it properly detoxify our body. Taking it cold will not only hurdle its pure benefits from reaching you but also may aggravate cough or flu, because oats is a cold food in its nature.

The oat water (water obtained when oats are boiled) is best medicine for all patients, like typhoid, heart diseases. Dip whole oats overnight in water, and boil it next day in that very same water. Water should be 1:10 or 1:20 to the quantity of oats. Boil until the grain is completely cooked. The water can now be served to the patient as a hot tea like in cold weather illness. In case of hot weather illness, like sun stroke, stomach acidity or ulcer, jaundice, serve the water at room temprature.

A Warning about Cereal Grains
Often the cereal grains you find in markets are not oat itself but merely the husk of oats. Researches prove that husk of any grain when mixed with milk and eaten, does not let calcium to absorb in our bodies. So how can you expect the ready-made packaged cereal grains to provide you with all the benefits above? A little effort in acquiring original oats and making their porridge or talbinah will make your life so much easier and healthier.

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