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Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Fish are of many kinds but the best quality is the most delicious, best scented, moderate in size, having fine scales and softest (not dry) meat, which lives in fresh water that flows on pebbles, and eat plants, not organic wastes. The best areas for such fish to be found are in freshest water hiding within rocks and sandy places, void of filth and waste, places with frequent waves and exposed to sun and wind.

Sea fish is delicious and easy to digest. Fresh water fish is cold and wet in food nature. It's difficult to digest, and produces phlegm, but river and pond fishes are exempted  from this, as they produce acceptable temperament, freshens the body, increase semen production and fertility, and suit hot conditions.

In salted fish, the best is the most recently salted. Salted fish is hot and dry in nature. The older it gets, the hotter and drier it becomes. Siluridae (similar to catfish) is very viscous. If taken fresh, it softens the stomach. When it is salted, kept for a few days before consumption, it clears the windpipe and makes the voice finer. If it is ground and used as external ointment, it will extract the wastes accumulated inside the body.

Sitting in the salty water left behind silurid, relieves the patient of intestinal ulcer and extracts the harmful substance to the skin surface. It also relieves sciatic nerve ailment, when injected.

The best part of fish meat is closer to its tail, and the soft and fatty fish meat produces freshness and flesh to the body.

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