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Saturday, June 28, 2014


To let increase the health benefits of spinach, avoid freezing it. The best way to use it is consume it fresh the very day you buy it. Cooking spinach increase the nutrition three times the raw spinach. Because the nutrients in raw spinach cannot be easily broken down in our body. Oxalic Acid in spinach blocks the iron and calcium from getting absorbed in our bodies. This can be easily countered by using spinach with food high in Vitamin C, or simply boiling the spinach for two minutes will reduce the power of oxalic acid. It is a rich source of Vitamin C, A and K. The Flavonoid and Carotenoid in Spinach acts as anti-oxidant and anti-cancer agent.

  • Helps prevent atherosclerosis i.e. thickening or hardening of arteries
  • Anti-aging vegetable
  • Anti-cancer and anti-oxidant; flush down toxins from colon
  • Due to Vit K, helps in formation of blood substance required for blood clotting
  • Nourishes eyes and build bones
  • Help digestion, eases constipation and protects mucus lining of stomach. Prevents ulcers
  • The vitamins and minerals help relieve dry itchy skin and benefits complexion
  • Helps stabilize blood sugar in diabetics
For Blood Sugar Level
Take several handful of Spinach.
Add 3 cups of water.
Place over low heat for an hour.
Then strain.
Take twice a day.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Cumin Seeds/ Zeera

Cumin Seeds are largely used as spices and in culinary practice in Indian Subcontinent, and other Asian, Latin American and African countries. Even its aroma is enough to activate our salivary glands and aid digestion. Contains Essential Oils, Magnesium, Protein, Iron, Calcium, Vitamin E and C, dietary fiber and sodium content. 

  • Aids in Digestion. Acts as Carminative. Relieves stomachache if taken with hot water.
  • Help treat piles
  • Helps increase metabolism
  • Help relieve wounds and infection in digestive and excretory system
  • Prevents Diabetes
  • Help relieve stress and anxiety (which also leads to insomnia)
  • Acts as expectorant i.e. eliminates phlegm and mucus
  • Helps in respiratory disorders, like asthma, bronchitis, etc.
  • Acts as disinfectant, and fights viral infections, like common cold. 
  • The Vitamin C in cumin acts as antioxidant, and removes toxins from body and strengthen immune system
  • Because of Iron content, it's good for lactating and pregnant mothers, or women undergoing menses. Moreover it help ease and increase milk production in lactating mothers
  • It help build hemoglobin and hence fight anemia
  • Increase cognitive function and help fight cognitive disorders
  • It has antifungal and antibacterial properties; help keep skin healthy and prevents premature aging
  • Regular users of cumin have less chance of boils, pimples, rashes, etc. 
  • Help keep liver clean and kidney strong
  • Decreases cholesterol
  • Have chemopreventive properties; helps fight various kinds of cancer, especially colon cancer
  • Helps in treating renal coli, weak memory, insect bites and stings

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Drinks Remedies

For Healthy Skin:
2 Peeled Cucumber
Lemon Juice from 1 lemon squeezed out
1/2 inch ginger piece crushed
Blend all ingredients well until they become one. Mix it in half glass of water. Save it and consume as needed.

Flat Belly Infused Water
6 cups Filtered Water
1 Tbsp Grated Ginger
1 Cucumber, Sliced
1/3 cup Mint Leaves
Let the mixture infused overnight. Drink it the next day.

To Stabilize Blood Sugar Level:
1 Green Apple
1 Bitter Gourd
1/2 Cucumber
1/2 Lemon
1 Celery Branches
Blend all ingredients well until they become one. Save it and consume as needed.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Milk is an essential for bones. It contains Vitamin A & B, Calcium, Carbohydrates, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Protein and Riboflavin. If you have no time left for breakfast, just one glass of fresh milk will keep you satisfied for 5 to 6 hours. Milk is best when it has been milked out and its value decreases by the passage of time thereafter. Freshly milked, it is less cold and more humid in nature. Milk is quite better 40 days after the animal has given birth. Best type of milk is most white in color, has good scent, delicious taste, mildly sweet, with less fat and light consistency, taken from young healthy animal.

  • Strengthens immune system (balances WBCs)
  • Relieve depression, obsession and black bile ailment
  • Produces red blood and hydrates the body, rejuvenating the skin
  • Cleanse the insisdes of septic materials, if taken with honey
  • Milk taken with brown sugar, makes the skin color fair
  • Helps body regain its strength after sexual activity
  • Favorable for chest and lungs
  • Prevents hypertension
  • Reduces dental decay (but may get harmful for teeth and gums if drunk excessively without rinsing mouth after it)
  • Prevents respiratory problems, obesity, osteoporosis, and some kinds of cancer
Although milk seems a simple food item, It is equipped with three major substances: Cheese, Fats and Water.

  • Cheese is cold and wet in nature, and is very good for nutrition. 
  • Ghee/ Fat contained in milk is mild regarding warmth and wetness, and is very beneficial for healthy bodies. 
  • The water part of milk is wet and hot in nature. It softens the stomach and help provide body with beneficial moisture. 

For people who are not used to drinking milk; it is not favorable for those suffering from fever, headaches, weak head and brain, and stomach, liver and spleen ailments. Excessive drinking of milk also can cause sight impairment, gout, kidney clogs, stomach and intestines swelling. All these effects can be avoided and neutralized by using milk with honey and dry ginger. So everyone can enjoy milk regularly and benefit from the endless bounties in it.


Fish are of many kinds but the best quality is the most delicious, best scented, moderate in size, having fine scales and softest (not dry) meat, which lives in fresh water that flows on pebbles, and eat plants, not organic wastes. The best areas for such fish to be found are in freshest water hiding within rocks and sandy places, void of filth and waste, places with frequent waves and exposed to sun and wind.

Sea fish is delicious and easy to digest. Fresh water fish is cold and wet in food nature. It's difficult to digest, and produces phlegm, but river and pond fishes are exempted  from this, as they produce acceptable temperament, freshens the body, increase semen production and fertility, and suit hot conditions.

In salted fish, the best is the most recently salted. Salted fish is hot and dry in nature. The older it gets, the hotter and drier it becomes. Siluridae (similar to catfish) is very viscous. If taken fresh, it softens the stomach. When it is salted, kept for a few days before consumption, it clears the windpipe and makes the voice finer. If it is ground and used as external ointment, it will extract the wastes accumulated inside the body.

Sitting in the salty water left behind silurid, relieves the patient of intestinal ulcer and extracts the harmful substance to the skin surface. It also relieves sciatic nerve ailment, when injected.

The best part of fish meat is closer to its tail, and the soft and fatty fish meat produces freshness and flesh to the body.


Dates are rich in several Vitamins, minerals and fiber. It contains oil, calcium, sulfur, Iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, sodium, copper, zinc and magnesium. It is easy to digest. Amber date is very large in size and one is enough for this purpose. Californian dates are twice the size of amber. The date from Medina is of dark color and contain more Vitamins than any other. This fruit has endless types. Even for sugar patients, there is a particular type called Sukri with naturally less sweet. Mabroom is a juicy date suitable for young people, because it is needed to chew properly. Ajwa date is also less sweet in taste, and can be taken by diabetics. Moreover, Ajwa is best for heart diseases.

  • Dates contains 20 different types of Amino acids, that help in digestive process. 
  • Energy booster and excellent for physical activity
  • Breaking fast by eating dates help avoid over-eating of food. 
  • Keeps nervous system healthy due to significant amount of potassium and best for muscle development
  • Prevents abdominal cancer
  • Reduces the risk of heart stroke and other heart diseases. Taken twice a week improves the health of heart. Use dates soaked for the night, crushed in the morning to strengthen weak hearts.
  • Cure for anemia. Take 3 to 5 dates a day (depending upon its size
  • Prevents night blindness
  • Contains Florine, that helps prevent tooth decay and protects the teeth enamel
  • Strengthen bones and fight off painful diseases like osteoporosis
  • Reduces allergic reaction and seasonal allergies
  • Dilates the muscles of uterus, that's why it's very helpful medicine in child delivery.
  • Nutritious tonic for nursing mothers- doesn't let the mother feel tired and compensate the body needs
  • Consumed with cucumber paste they help you gain balanced healthy weight, rather than over slimming.
  • Laxative food- good for constipation and intestinal disorders and controls diarrhea. Its fiber help healthy bowel movement. Eat overnight soaked dates like a syrup for optimal results in constipation.
Sexual Activity
If taken with milk or made into a shake, it serves as a very helpful food and tonic  for sexual activity. Take 3 to 7 dates (depending upon the capacity of person and the size of dates) and remove their seed. Dip them in milk (preferably goat milk) overnight. Shake them in the morning. You can add cardamom powder or honey for taste and aroma. Cardamom is normally used to balance the hot nature of date fruit. Use this shake lukewarm in winters and cold in summers. It serves as a useful tonic in increasing sexual endurance and reducing sterility caused by sexual disorders. Dates are great natural aphrodisiac as well.

Basil (Tulsi/ Niazbo)

Tulsi or Niazbo, also called Basil, its botanical name Ocimum Tenuiflorum, is used for many culinary and medicinal purposes. It is also referred to as Raihan. It has strong aroma and astringent taste. It is consumed in different forms, i.e. herbal tea, dried powder, fresh leaves, raw form as a juice, or sometimes mixed with ghee.
  • Tea of 1/2 teaspoon of dried or fresh leaves in water can help soothe indigestion and alleviate feeling of fullness. 
  • Effective for stings and bites. Chew a few leaves and apply over the area and it'll help relieve pain and draw out the venom. 
  • Help regulate blood sugar level
  • Considered to be an adaptogen- balancing various body processes, reducing stress and facilitating relaxation.
  •  It is also a mosquito repellent. Its leaves can also be mixed in stored grains to repel insects.
  • Has cardio protective effects on our body
  • Mitigate the impact of radiation exposure
  • Help relieve problems arising out of headaches, inflammation, common cold, cough, malaria and heart diseases
  • Carries anti bacterial properties and used as skin nourishing agent.
  • Provides relief from effects of food poisoning